Tag Archive for: rare pediatric cancer

Levine Children’s Rare Pediatric Cancer Updates

While at the lab, we loved having the chance to talk about progress in Dr. Sholler’s research work and the ISF Rare & Solid Tumor Team

Osteosarcoma Survivor Focuses on Living her Dreams

The week after Thanksgiving in 2019 Lily was diagnosed with osteosarcoma during her Senior year in high school.

Celebrating the Power of Mothers:  The Unique Bond Between Two Cancer Moms

In honor of Mother’s Day on May 9th, Isabella Santos Foundation celebrates remarkable cancer moms in our community.

High School Athlete Battles Neuroblastoma for a Second Time

First diagnosed with a form of childhood cancer in 5th grade, Gavin faces a second battle with neuroblastoma as a high schooler.

11-Year-Old Bravely Travels Across Seas During Pandemic to Fight Cancer

The need to travel across seas during the pandemic didn’t stop Lucy’s parents at giving her the best possible chance of beating cancer