
Why Join Our Fight?

Isabella fought neuroblastoma for five years until she ran out of treatment options. This is the case for many other children diagnosed with rare cancer.

Pediatric cancer is not just one disease – it is made up of 12 major types and over 100 subtypes, so it falls into a category of its own with little to no funding.

It’s up to private organizations like the Isabella Santos Foundation (ISF) to raise essential funds for research and new treatment programs to give the families affected a fighting chance.

When you give to ISF, you’re not just giving money—your contribution directly impacts the lives of children battling cancer, offering them a chance for a brighter future. 

Explore the best option for you.

Ways to give

From monetary donations to gifts of stock or volunteering your time, your generosity fuels research, provides access to innovative treatments and supports programs that empower families throughout their cancer journey. Every dollar fuels progress in projects encompassing clinical trials, basic science, survivorship programs or a home hospital’s greatest need through the TORCH Initiative.

No matter which planned giving option you choose, your support will make a difference in the lives of children worldwide.

Every dollar supports ISF mission to provide transformational outcomes for rare cancer heroes worldwide.

Make a General Donation.

Monthly donations make a significant impact on our organization’s ability to carry out its mission one month at a time.

Set up automatic monthly donations. It’s easy and convenient to support your community, and you’ll receive exclusive benefits throughout the year.

Join our Monthly Donor Program.


A $25+ monthly donation will deliver a fresh bag of Pure Intentions Coffee to your doorstep!

Donate $50+ and we’ll sweeten the deal with a branded coffee mug!

The Three Wish Society is comprised of dynamic, committed and passionate donors who have the influence and resources to significantly impact families battling rare pediatric cancer.

With a minimum annual gift of $2,500, you are taking our mission to a deeper level and through our collaboration with hospitals across the Carolinas, your support will help transform outcomes for more children at every stage of their cancer journey.

Recurring donations provide a stable and reliable source of funding, which is crucial for sustaining and growing your organization’s programs and initiatives.

Join the Three Wish Society.

Every quarter, ISF hosts donation days where our community can contribute to Isabella’s Fund to honor her legacy and support ISF’s greatest need.

2024 Donation Days

March 7    Isabella’s Birthday

June 28     Isabella’s Memorial Anniversary

September 1    Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month Kickoff

December 3    GivingTuesday Campaign

Donate to Isabella’s Fund.

Donor Advised Funds (DAF) allow you to make a grant from your fund or foundation, serving as a philanthropic vehicle enabling individuals, families or organizations to make charitable contributions, receive an immediate tax deduction and recommend grants to ISF.

Isabella Santos Foundation
9935-D Rea Road, Unit 275,
Charlotte, NC 28277

EIN: 26-1332748

Set up recurring grants from your DAF to help sustain the lifesaving mission of ISF. Contact your fund administrator and choose your preferred grant frequency.

Name ISF as the beneficiary of your DAF to support our mission beyond your own lifetime. Simply contact your fund administrator to do so.

For assistance or questions, contact Dominique Lee.

Commemorate a special milestone with the gift that keeps giving. Dedicate your gift in celebration of a person or any occasion.

Honor giving is a meaningful way to honor or commemorate a special person or event, while supporting a mission that makes a big difference. 

Donating to ISF on behalf of someone means you’re giving back to your community in a charitable way with that person in mind. 

When making your donation, enter the recipient’s information, and we’ll send them a personalized note to notify them of your gift.

Donate by mail. 

Isabella Santos Foundation
9935-D Rea Road, Unit 275,
Charlotte, NC 28277

Honor gifts are tax deductible. 

Make an Honor Gift

Make a bigger impact by donating gifts of stock.

Gifts of stock are a valuable way to support charitable organizations, and when you donate appreciated stocks or securities to ISF, you receive several benefits:

Tax Deduction: You can generally deduct the full fair market value of the stock as a charitable contribution on your federal income tax return, provided you have owned the stock for more than one year.

Avoid Capital Gains Tax: By donating appreciated stock directly to ISF, you can avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciation of the stock — this means you can maximize the impact of your donation by giving more to support our mission.

Support a Cause You Care About: Your gift of stock helps ISF continue its lifesaving work in rare pediatric cancer research and treatment, providing hope to children and families facing these devastating diseases.

Make a Gift of Stock

Planned giving to the Isabella Santos Foundation offers a meaningful way to support our mission of advancing treatments and ensuring a brighter future for rare cancer heroes worldwide.  

By including ISF in your giving plans, you can leave a lasting legacy while achieving your financial goals.

Here’s how to make a planned gift:

  • Bequests: You can include a gift to ISF in your will or living trust. This allows you to designate a specific amount, percentage or asset to support our mission, ensuring that your generosity continues to make a difference for years to come.
  • Charitable Remainder Trusts: By establishing a charitable remainder trust, you can provide income for yourself or your loved ones during your lifetime, with the remaining assets ultimately benefiting children with rare cancer. This can be a tax-efficient way to support our mission while also providing for your family.
  • Gifts of Retirement Assets: Designating ISF as a beneficiary of your retirement account, such as an IRA or 401(k), can significantly support our organization while potentially reducing taxes on your estate.
  • Gifts of Life Insurance: You can name ISF as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy or transfer ownership of a policy to support our mission, allowing donors to make a substantial gift with relatively modest premium payments.
  • Charitable Gift Annuities: By establishing a charitable gift annuity with ISF, you can receive fixed life payments while supporting our work. This option provides financial security for you and your loved ones and the satisfaction of making a meaningful impact.

No matter which planned giving option you choose, your support will help ensure that ISF can continue to provide lifesaving treatments, groundbreaking research and compassionate care to children and families facing the challenges of pediatric cancer and other life-threatening diseases.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of children worldwide.

To inquire about Legacy Gifts, contact Dominique Lee

Dedicate your gift in honor or memory of a loved one so their legacy lives on.

Memorial donations are gifts to nonprofits in memory of someone. Some families request a memorial donation in lieu of flowers or other tribute gifts to honor the family member who has passed.

Donate online or by mail.

Isabella Santos Foundation
9935-D Rea Road, Unit 275,
Charlotte, NC 28277

Make a Memorial Gift.


Funeral Resources

Unite and fight for kids with cancer by recommending ISF for future memorials.

Contact ISF for branded envelopes and other memorial resources for the service. Please allow 7-10 business days to receive.

Suggested copy for obituary:

Memorial gifts may be made to the Isabella Santos Foundation, 9935-D Rea Road, Unit 275, Charlotte, NC 28277. Your gift will provide transformational outcomes for rare cancer heroes worldwide.

Memorial donations are tax-deductible.

Become an integral part of our mission, while enjoying exclusive benefits designed to maximize brand awareness and expand your marketing reach, all while making a meaningful impact in the lives of those we serve.

Learn more about Sponsorship Opportunities.

Amplify your employees’ charitable giving by matching their donations to ISF, doubling the impact of their contributions.

Learn more about our Corporate Champions Program.

Collaborate with ISF on your next event or fundraising campaign to rally the community and your target audience customers around a great cause.

Learn more about Beneficiary Programs.



The TORCH initiative is ISF’s expansion beyond Charlotte, building upon its established network and community engagement efforts with a focus on improving both the quantity and quality of life for young rare cancer patients across the Carolinas.

Aimed to complement and broaden the impactful work achieved over the past 17 years and ignite positive change, TORCH will support projects encompassing clinical trials, basic science, survivorship support or a home hospital’s greatest need.

three wish society

ISF’s Three Wish Society is comprised of dynamic, committed and passionate donors who have the influence and resources to significantly impact the efforts of ISF.

United by the vision of creating change for kids fighting rare cancers, Three Wish Society members receive access to exclusive events, the opportunity to collaborate with the organization and get direct updates from the medical experts.

Make a $2,500+ annual contribution to become a member.

Have questions?

Make a minimum annual $2,500 contribution to join the Three Wish Society.

We invite you to reach out to Ashton Barlow to learn more about the Three Wish Society and the impact of your support.

A Heartfelt Thank You

Your unwavering dedication and passion for ISF does not go unnoticed. A membership in the Three Wish Society signifies more than just a donation—it symbolizes a commitment to making a difference in the lives of children worldwide.

Thank you for being a beacon of hope and healing in our community.

Jim Ryan | Brad & Aileen Westover | Rusty Atlas & Christian Handy | Samir & Lisa Mehta

Simon Newman | Scott & Courtney Purviance | Frank & Kris Milillo | Matthew Criscimagna | Tim & Jeanine Flanagan | Paolo & Michele Dal Cin | Neil Underwood | Matt Yarmey

Debi Hills | Elizabeth Morrison | Donna Thomas | Fanya Thomson | Jeff & Kristin Colson | James & Melissa Scanlon | Jim & Sandra Szoke | Joe & Jennifer Pollino | Megan Barlow | Steven & Renee Spero | David & Kimberly Smith | Scott & Lisa Weaver | Brian & Stacey Ellis | John Barlow & Megan DeSena | Christy Holden | Chris & Cindy Deville | Jason Tuton | Julie Zinsner | Laurie Martin | Laura Nack | Robert Mansfield | Annemarie Smith | John & Erin Eklund | Steven & Lisa Frick | Fabius Mitchell | Johnny McKellar | Blair & Erin Primis | Robbie & Aimee Preston | Ryan Palmer | Lori Jackson | Mary Jane Gallagher | Christopher Christy | James & Cristina Bolling | Matt & Ashley Reckmeyer | Leah Burroughs

Barbara Morgan | Jeff & Ali Johnston | Rodney James | James & Linsey Spence | Mike & Maggie O’Neill | Jon & Katie Landy | Natalie Luttrell | Nicole Peternel | Stout Factor Marketing | Chad & Katie Tracy | Scott & Lisa Palladino | Renee Hobart | John & Stacey Snyder | Jim & Anne Schoff | Brian & Andrea Seymour | Amy Phillips | Wendy Hecimovich | Sheryl Reynolds | Kathleen Gardner | Will & Lauren McConnell | Christy Ballard | John & Andra Norman | Melissa Conway | Bill & Athena Kortesis | David & Sarah Dooley | Mark Nelson & Dipa Mehta | David & Jennielea Haynes | Christy Dula | Toddy & Suzie Ford | Michelle Dyman | TJ & Lauren McNeely | Tom Leahy | Roger & Summer Baruth | Jake & Page Fehling | Tony & Sharon Cockerham | Jennifer Saltzman | Catriona Arrell | Ed & Sarah Dryden | Shane Page & Alison Davidson | Charlie & Jennie Casselman | Bob & Stacy Butz | Kyle O’Brien | Jeff & Karen Laughton | Abhishek Ratani & Natasha Sandhir | Keith & Christine Brent | Gerald & Traci Johnston Roux