Tag Archive for: charlotte childhood cancer

May Executive Director Update: It’s All Coming Together

Read ISF Skinny, May Edition

How is it May already?  It seems like just yesterday we were cancelling our “Breakfast at Tiffany’s” event and said goodbye to our Jersey Mike’s Day of giving.  Needless to say, we had a rough March here at ISF.  $450,000 in revenue (roughly 1/3 of our entire year) – gone in one week.  I’m not going to lie here – we were pretty devastated.  The effect of COVID has triggered rippling effects through every kind of family and business in our area.  For many businesses, we wonder if we will be able to survive when this whole thing is behind us.  Or, if life will be so different, there might not even be a place for us at the table anymore.  Even as someone who works in non-profit, I have found that my charitable giving has come to a screeching halt.  My focus has turned to making sure my favorite local businesses are surviving because they are the heart of this city.  But I also have to be aware of what we are trying to do at ISF.  The employees I have, the families who are counting on us, the aspirations of Levine Children’s Hospital.  These things still linger out there so here at ISF, we can’t stop, and we won’t stop.

Luckily for us, we have found ourselves at an interesting crossroads.  With our month of March being pulled out from underneath our feet, we could have been defeated.  But, sometimes in life you are given a gift that can never be repaid.  Our presenting sponsor of the Breakfast at Tiffany’s event believed in us.  They believed in what we were trying to do.  When I received the call from the JEM Project in early March, telling me they were going to grant us the $250,000 we had hoped to raise over the two mornings to continue on our mission – I was speechless.  This was the largest gift ISF had received in the history of the Foundation and it was made by two women who never even met my daughter.  The JEM Project gave ISF hope again and reminded us that there are people out there in this world who can change your life.  We can’t thank them enough because not only did it keep us plugging away for all these families, but it honestly brought the staff of ISF to a level of positivity that was needed in all this mess.  We will never be able to thank the JEM Project enough for all they did, we can only hope we can make them proud.

As we continued through the month of April on quarantine and the “Stay at Home” order was issued, things became eerily familiar for me.  See, for these families with cancer – quarantine is a way of life.  I can’t tell you how many weeks upon weeks my family spent staying inside, afraid of what was lurking around that could potentially harm (or kill) my child.  Masks, hand washing, isolation… these are all words families with cancer know all too well.  When we talk to our families, they all seem to say the same thing… Welcome to our lives!  However, pediatric cancer quarantine looks a bit different because while being locked up inside – these kids have to watch everyone else living their best lives.  Kids are in school, playing soccer and planning vacations – all things we had to just watch others do over social media.  So maybe next time we complain about how bored we are or how much we miss our friends or miss going out to dinner – remember that you are getting just a tiny glimpse into the lives of these families.  24/7 indoors with your healthy kid can get tough.  Just imagine.  

Speaking of our families… here at ISF we want to do everything we can to help them.  We want to build programs, facilities and most importantly we want to build teams of experts who can bring these programs and facilities to life here in Charlotte.  We have talked about this for so many years and I’m excited to say – it’s all finally coming together.  

Erin presenting Dr. Giselle Scholler $200,000 for DFMO Trial

Let me bring you back to the spring of 2015.  We decided to put on a breakfast and raise some money.  I had heard of a Doctor in Grand Rapids who was single-handedly changing the entire landscape for kids with Neuroblastoma.  She had developed a drug called DFMO (not Dance Floor Make Out in case you googled that).  This drug was showing off the chart results as a pill that you can give you child who is in remission from Neuroblastoma.  Side note: sometimes NB can be beaten – but keeping it from coming back is the hard part.  This DFMO she developed was working.  It was keeping kids clean and keeping them in remission and with minimal to zero side effects.  We had to support it.  We contacted Giselle Sholler and said we wanted to help and with the help of our first Coffee for a Cure we raised $60,000 for this trial.  We flew to Grand Rapids a couple of weeks later, met this incredible woman and presented her with a $200,000 check.  Kids in Charlotte were receiving DFMO and they were beating this disease.  

Fast forward to April 28th at 12:00.  Just a couple of days ago my team and I had our first call with the new Chair of the ISF Rare and Solid Tumor Program at Levine Children’s.  Meet Giselle Sholler.  

We got her.  And let me tell you – she is out of our league.  The recruitment of Dr. Sholler from our favorite Dr. Oesterheld was months and maybe a year in the making but he did it.  What does this mean for Charlotte?  Well to put it simple.  It means everything.  We just hired one of the top Doctors in rare pediatric cancer in the WORLD.  That’s right.  She is now coming to Charlotte thanks to your donations over the last year.  I may be a total dork but this one-hour call with her had me so giddy I could barely stand it.  Everything she said was music to my ears.  The team she is building, the trials she will be starting – all of it.  Here in Charlotte.  There is no bigger fish.  We got her and we can’t wait to tell you all about it as she starts her move here to the Queen City… insert standing ovation!

So where does this leave us?  Yes.  We got a monster donation.  Yes.  We got the biggest Doctor in the UNIVERSE to come to Charlotte.  So, what do we do now?  We kick this whole COVID thing in the teeth.  Listen, are things going to have to change.  You bet.  But we are welcoming the change and we hope you will too.  We have our signature events coming up in the fall and we don’t know what in the world they will look like.  But like I said before, Can’t Stop, Won’t Stop.  We MUST make our events safe for our families to attend.  If little Brinn and Merritt can’t be at the race – what do we need to change?  Then let’s do it.

Our team is excited.  I have to say, I’m kind of stupid excited for all the things we have in the works.  We have a big announcement coming up on May 26th and we need you behind us to make this successful.  We aren’t going anywhere, and we hope you won’t either.  These kids are counting on us.  We built the MIBG room.  We brought the best Doctor here.  Now we build out this program, the research follows right behind it and change happens right here in Charlotte.  But we need you to make it all come together…

Who’s with me?

-Erin, Isabella’s Mommy

Read ISF Skinny, May Edition


Three cheers for volunteers! Not only do we appreciate you… we miss you!

April 19-25 is #VolunteerAppreciationWeek and we are grateful for every volunteer (little and big) who contribute to make our mission of fighting rare pediatric cancer a reality to #beatgrowlive. With stay at home orders, we miss seeing all of our volunteers and physically working by your side. We absolutely can’t function without the hundreds of amazing individuals who support our program. Our volunteers help out with events, pack bags, prepare & serve meals, hand out medals, develop run schedules, donate talents, hours and time. And so much more.

Thank you to all our volunteers, below are just a few we featured throughout Volunteer Appreciation Week!

Lending Tree

We love our corporate volunteer groups who volunteer together! Team building while doing something good. During our 2019 race our KidsZone Sponsor, LendingTree, volunteered as a team in the Kids Zone. They brought with them piggy banks and helped all the kiddos decorate to help spread the message about money management. Thank you Lending Tree for all your volunteerism, we see how much you do in the Charlotte community and we appreciate you!

Volunteer Cheryl

Meet Cheryl. This sweet lady has been a dedicated ISF volunteer for years. And when we say years, almost since the beginning! She has volunteered in almost every capacity at many functions and events… thank you Cheryl for sticking with us for so long! We simply can’t continue striving for change for kids with rare cancers without you!

Sisters Elizabeth & Emma Kate

These two sisters have volunteered for ISF since they were little. Elizabeth & Emma Kate lived down the street from Isabella and watched her cancer fight ultimately take her life… they were personally touched and inspired to do what they can to help other kids fighting cancer ever since. They recruit their friends, they spread awareness and they work events throughout the year. These two not only volunteer for ISF, but have been involved and volunteer with several groups including Arthritis Foundation, RedCross & Best Buddies through their high school and volunteer opportunities through their church. 

We love when young people are drawn to make a difference! Thank you Elizabeth & Emma Kate for your passion and dedication for ISF. And thank you to all your friends for joining in on the fun too!

Volunteer Julie

This is Julie! For us to know that we have so many consistent and reliable volunteers helps us breathe just a little easier! We are confident every event will run smoothly because of individuals like Julie. She has volunteered in many capacities from working events, ticket sales and helping with our auction year after year. She was also on deck to volunteer her photography skills and talent at this years coffee events before they were called off. Thank you Julie for always being right there and willing when we need you!

Marvin Ridge ISF Club

Meet the Marvin Ridge ISF Club… a charity club that several passionate girls developed at Marvin Ridge High (Union County, NC).  The club has 32 members with a faculty advisor and is dedicated to charity work.  Since their inception they have volunteered at many events including our September 5k/10k and our October Pumpkin Charity Ball.  We love the initiative the members put behind this club and know if there is a volunteer need, they are just a phone call away!  

“With our club we have been able to spread awareness about the Foundation and the incredible things they do. We informed all of our members about their mission as well as the benefits and impact to our local community. As a club we strived to help the Foundation whether it be volunteering at events or just spreading information around the school. We also spent time volunteering for other local charities that the Foundation helps to support that needed assistance like the Ronald McDonald House.   Before the virus we were selling friendship bracelets to our friends and family. When we are safely back in school we hope to resume sales and plan to donate the proceeds to the Foundation.   In the future we are planning on continuing to help ISF with their volunteer needs as well as other local charities that help to support kids and their families fighting cancer.”

Thank you Marvin Ridge ISF Club, we love the service you provide and the example you set for others your age!

Dear JEM Project: Thank You for Donating in My Sister’s Name

Tonight our last ‘Thank You’ letter giving thanks for The JEM Project’s $250,000 donation to ISF is from Madison’s Sister, Riley.  Short, sweet and exactly what we all are hoping for… our dream of no more cancer comes true.  

Dear JEM Project, 

I am Riley and I’m Madison Fedak’s sister. You don’t know how much it means to me that you donated your money to the Isabella Santos Foundation to help fund osteosarcoma research in my sister’s name. Thank you so much for putting upon yourself this selfless deed. Once again thank you for donating so that in the near future my dream will come true no child will be diagnosed with cancer ever again.

With love,

Riley Fedak, Madison’s Sister


Isabella Santos Foundation Receives $250,000 Gift by The JEM Foundation (Isabella’s Mommy)

Dear JEM Project: Your Donation is Giving Children Fighting Cancer Time (Isabella’s Grandma)

Dear JEM Project: Thank You for Being the Team Who Kept Madison’s & ISF’s Mission on Course (Madison’s Mom)

Dear JEM Project: Thank You for Your Contribution To Our Goal of Finding a Cure (Madison’s Dad)

Dear JEM Project: Thank You for Your Contribution To Our Goal of Finding a Cure

It’s hard to put into words how grateful we are for the impact The JEM Project’s $250,000 donation to ISF is creating for kids fighting rare pediatric cancer and for our community.  Follow along this week as we share ‘Thank You’ letters from many of those who feel the incredible significance of their gift.

Thank you to Madison’s Dad, Mickey, for sharing is thanks…

Dear JEM Foundation,

I first want to send my sincerest thanks for your generous giving to a cause that is so important to my family.

Madison was to so many people, different things. To me she was the best part of me. She was the person, at seven, that I wish I could be: kind, full of life, and never knew a stranger. She lived life to the fullest……

That was cut short and it is devastating to my family. Through research and grants my family hope and pray that others will not have to go through what we have. Some day families will have better outcomes. Those days are coming sooner with generous gifts to research and we truly appreciate your contribution to our goal of finding a cure.

Thank you again,

MIchael, Madison’s Dad

Isabella Santos Foundation Receives $250,000 Gift by The JEM Foundation

Dear JEM Project: Your donation is Giving Children Fighting Cancer Time

Dear JEM Project: Thank You for Being the Team Who Kept Madison’s & ISF’s Mission on Course

Facebook Fundraiser Feature: Emily & Gia

This Facebook Fundraiser hit us in the hearts when it showed up on Isabella’s Birthday in March! We are so honored Emily chose to raise money for ISF in Isabella’s name for Gia’s birthday (and Isabella’s!). Emily and Gia surpassed their $250 goal and raised $335 during the day. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Emily, Gia and friends for your support!

[March 9, 2020] “Today is Gia’s birthday. I’ve been able to enjoy a decade with her – the best ten years of my life. What a blessing it is to be a mom, and to have a healthy child! Today would have been Isabella’s 15th birthday, but she didn’t live to see her 8th. Every year when this day rolls around, I am thrilled to mark another year with my best girl, but that joy always comes with a pause as I think of Isabella. 

I got to meet Isabella when I worked at the Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte. She would show up with her mom or dad and help us to fundraise. Even though she and her family were going through one of the most difficult things any family can go through, there they would be, out helping us to raise money for other families who had children being treated at the hospital. I was always in awe of this dedication to assisting others.

I don’t have much to give, but I gave anyway. I gave because I am so blessed to have a healthy child who is celebrating her 10th birthday today. I gave because I truly believe that every dollar matters in the fight against pediatric cancer. I gave in honor of Isabella.” 

-Emily, Gia’s Mom

Thank you to Victoria and Jolee for fundraising in March. Thank you to Linda, Crystal and Gwen for setting up Facebook Fundraisers in April!

Want to help make a difference for kids fighting rare pediatric cancers? Create your ISF Facebook Fundraiser here: facebook.com/fund/IsabellaSantosFoundation/