What is your Why?
In the fundraising and nonprofit world we all have our own WHY for WHAT we do. We talk about WHAT our charity is about and WHAT we do to fight… but connecting that WHY is the difference when trying to make a connection in fundraising. The WHY is the goosebumps and tears that move donors to action.
Our ISF team talked several weeks ago that we wanted to ask our Dream Team and our MIBG Ambassadors this one question: WHY do you fundraise for the Isabella Santos Foundation and pediatric cancer. It’s a question taken from Simon Sinek’s book and TEDx Talk, ‘Start With Why’… aimed at inspirational leadership. For us at ISF, Sinek’s thoughts our perfect for fundraisers too.

Tim & Granddaughter
The funny thing is we haven’t asked this question to our fundraisers yet… but our faithful and consistent supporter, Tim McBride, shared his WHY this weekend. We all have them. Some very specific like Tim’s. Some maybe not so specific. But the WHY is what means the most.
Tim, your WHY stopped us in our tracks. It gave us goosebumps. We thank you for using your pain to make a difference in this world…
“People are always asking me why I’m so passionate about raising money for cancer research, treatment, and patient services. I have many but this started it off. I always thought (and still do) that my brother, Mike McBride, was the greatest athlete in the world. When I was young, Mike, my Dad, and I would watch pro football on Sunday afternoon. I remember my Dad saying he would see Mike play on Sunday too. I wanted him to think I was good too. When I was 8 years old, I entered a Punt Pass and Kick contest and was fortunate enough to win my age group. I walked home with my Redskins jacket I won for first place. I went to show my Dad so he would say I could play in the pros like Mike. But cancer was doing its job on him. He had a brain tumor and this wasn’t a good day for him. After I told him I won and showed him my jacket, he just laid there in the bed. As I was leaving, I heard him ask Mom, “who was that?” I have never forgotten that day. I knew I was never good enough to play on Sunday but that pain has driven me to want to raise money so a kid never has to feel the pain I did that day.”
-Tim McBride [McBeast, ISF MIBG Ambassador, Dream Team Member, Run-Streaker, Cancer Crusher, Santa Clause, & all over Bad Ass]
It started with a girl. And she is changing the world. June 28th will mark the 6th anniversary of Isabella’s passing. Please help us near and far keep Isabella’s legacy alive.
- Make a donation in a loved ones honor: donateisf.org
- Register, Sponsor or Volunteer for our Sept 5K/10K: 5kforkidscancer.com
- Sign up as a MIBG Ambassador, fundraise through your network: https://bit.ly/2MsUQdm
- Sign up for Isabella’s Dream team, fundraise and run: https://bit.ly/2smlhqh
- Make a appointment to donate platelets during our CBCC platelet drive June 21-28: https://bit.ly/2sVjafX