Tryon Distributing Raises Money for Pediatric Cancer at First Annual Tryon Charity Golf Classic

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Tryon Distributing Raises Money for Pediatric Cancer at First Annual Tryon Charity Golf Classic

Written by Amanda DiFabio, Marketing Coordinator

“Have fun. Make money. Do good. This is the Tryon way.” Tryon Distributing is a family owned, Charlotte based craft beer and wine distribution company that values bettering the community. This year, for their first ever annual Tryon Charity Golf Classic, they graciously chose ISF as the beneficiary.

“At Tryon Distributing, one of our core values is to be a family and community-oriented company. We felt that a charity golf tournament would be a great way to embrace that core value and we were thrilled to be able to partner with an organization as fantastic as the ISF. Their tireless efforts to carry out their mission to Beat, Grow, and Live really resonated with us and I’m grateful that we were able to donate 100% of our proceeds to help them achieve their goals. I am also extremely proud of everyone at Tryon and all of our partners who stepped up to help make this charity golf tournament happen,” said Ed Johnston, President of Tryon.

The ISF team had a great day back at the start of November joining Tryon Distributing employees, suppliers, and business partners at Olde Sycamore Golf Plantation. It was all smiles as everyone knew they were benefiting a great cause, pediatric cancer. This past Monday Tryon Distributing presented us with a check for $11,143,63. We are so grateful to them for supporting our mission and helping us help children and families in need right here in Charlotte, NC.

Tryon Beer Specialist Brian St. Clair noted, “Hosting a charity golf tournament was a way to combine two of my passions: golf and beer, while raising money for a great cause. The ISF is a wonderful partner because of their dedication to raise money for a very important cause. I feel very fortunate to be in a position where I can give back to my community. Working at Tryon is more than just a job or a career – it has become a part of who I am. I’m proud to work at a company that always tries to do the right thing, is family owned, and truly cares about its employees and community.”

We look forward to a continued partnership with Tryon Distributing and can’t wait to see what else we can accomplish to end childhood cancer.[/av_textblock]

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