Neuroblastoma Patient Successfully Completes MIBG Therapy in Charlotte

Another patient was successfully treated in the Isabella Santos Foundation MIBG therapy room at Levine Children’s. As a child and family enter MIBG treatment they receive a gift basket specifically paid for by last year’s ISF MIBG Ambassador fundraising efforts. Patients stay in the MIBG room 3-7 days after they receive their injection with parents/caregivers in the adjoining room, so our hope is that these baskets help bring a little comfort in their time away from their own home.

If you look closely at the note, this MIBG basket is thanks to Tim McBride… also known as McBeast! Thanks to Tim and his supporters, we were able to provide a few comfort items, snacks, toys and gift cards for food, gas, coffee, and more. 

Levine Children’s Hospital is 1 of 20 hospitals to have a MIBG Treatment room in the U.S. and the only location in the Charlotte region. The two-room MIBG suite provides targeted radiation to pediatric neuroblastoma patients with minimal side effects. This therapy impacts kids fighting cancer beyond the greater Charlotte region and will eventually expand to include adults with rare tumors.

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