Fundraising for a Cure

Isabella’s Dream Team, Danni Volman
The ISF Dream Team consists of all types of runners . . . some who have never run before, some who run a race here or there, some who want to strive to obtain a dream they have never achieved, and some who are passionate runners every day. The uniqueness of Isabella’s Dream Team is what makes it a “DREAM TEAM.” We celebrate everyone’s achievements . . . including a pretty special person, Danielle “Danni” Volman.
Danni was 4 years old when her mom found out she had breast cancer and leukemia. Two years later, her mom passed away. No one can fathom losing their mom, but especially at such a young age. Danni grew up convinced she wanted to do anything and everything to help find a cure for cancer.
Through her elementary, middle and high school years, Danni used her love for math and sports to fundraise to help find a cure. During this time, a teacher at her high school had a daughter who was diagnosed with neuroblastoma. Danni coordinated a 5k for the school, embracing the power of many to give support and love to this precious little girl. Not only is the little girl still alive today, but she continues to impact Danni’s life to never stop fundraising for cancer.
When Danni learned about the Isabella Santos Foundation, she knew she was going to be involved – – somehow, someway. She already had neuroblastoma affect her life, and she knew she could help make an impact.
Danni joined the ISF Dream Team in 2014, still using her love for math and sports to help fundraise for crushing cancer. She accomplished many races over the last several years. In 2017, Danni qualified and finished the Boston Marathon for the very first time. Even though the weather for the 2017 Boston Marathon was the worst weather in its history (30mph winds, 37 degrees, and pouring rain!), Danni completed a dream of hers. The ISF Dream Team is so proud of you Danni!
Danni has collectively raised over $85,000 for cancer research, and she is on track for hitting a personal goal this year for the Isabella Santos Foundation – $20,000. She only needs $2500 to hit this goal. Let’s cheer her on and make a donation in honor of her mom.
Click on Danni’s First Giving page to make a donation: https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/danni/2018-Isabella-s-Dream-Team
Read Dream Team Member Features
ISF Dream Team
The ISF Dream Team, created in 2014, is a running group that assists you in training to run the race of your dreams. You can train for a 5k, 10k, half marathon, half marathon relay, full marathon relay, or a full marathon. You are provided a training schedule, invited to group runs, and inspired by a phenomenal team of people. Not only will you meet a dynamic group of people, but you will also be inspired through your friends and family as they support you through the training. The ISF Dream Team has raised over $400,000 to date, with the funds contributing to our local Charlotte community. If you want to join the ISF Dream Team, we would love to hear from you. Please email us at info@isabellasantosfoundation.org.