Through My Eyes: Week 1 Results

Kellie took over our Instagram feed and stories on 9/5/19 to share Brinn’s cancer story and give you a ‘day in the life’ view of their day. It’s real and it’s raw… this is childhood cancer.

We shared several perspectives last week as part of our Through Your Eyes: This is Childhood Cancer Awareness Campaign.  We loved seeing the engagement, the comments, the likes, the shares and the donations. Each perspective is so different and gives us another viewpoint of the realities of what this awful disease is doing to our future and their loved ones.  It’s a month-long series to help make you aware, we have plenty more to share.

Week 1 results:  $11,525 was donated and 73,315 people were reached on social.  Thank you to those who donated and who shared.  We are asking a lot this month, we know.  But as Erin said… “Sometimes your child’s life hangs in the balance of whether or not someone out there is going to do something for your child.”  So we are doing something about it.

In case you missed any from the 1st week:

9/2: We Have Stopped Making You Aware

9/3: Through My Eyes: This is Childhood Cancer 

9/3: Through My Eyes: What Cancer Leaves Behind

9/4: Through My Eyes: Day In the Life Of Kellie Andrew, Warrior Mom Fighting to Save Her Child From Neuroblastoma

9/5: Through My Eyes: Behind the Scenes with Aaron Plummer, Dad to RhabdomyosarcomaWarrior

9/6: Through My Eyes: What My Child About Cancer, What Really Scares This Cancer Mom

This Week Look For…

➡️ Monday:  Behind the Mind of a Teen Fighting Cancer & Social Anxiety Disorder

➡️ Wednesday: What It’s Like  to be a Young Adult Fighting Cancer

➡️ Friday: What it’s Like to be a Young Adult supporting a Loved One With Cancer

Other Ways to Take Action This Month

➡️ Become an Awareness Ambassador

➡️ Register for the ISF Race, 9/28:

Thank you for your time, all the comments to these families, content shared and dollars donated.  We appreciate the action taken and hope to inspire more.


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