No Equipment Needed

Brian Levy, Isabella’s Dream Team
Brian Levy has always been athletic, but he has not always been a runner. He grew up playing ice hockey and transitioned to mountain biking. Over time, he realized it was easy to just go on a run. No equipment needed. No class required. He trained for a couple of 5Ks, and he eventually ran his first half marathon. He was hooked.
As he continued to grow in to his love of running, he learned about the Isabella Santos Foundation through his fiancé. Since Brian runs by himself, she encouraged him to check in to the ISF Dream Team so he could share his passion with others and run with a group of people. He knew immediately it was something he wanted to do.
Last year, Brian joined the ISF Dream Team. Hearing everyone’s inspirational stories kept him motivated to keep training and keep pushing himself. He accomplished several races while training with the Dream Team: Chicago Marathon, Rock and Roll Marathon in Savannah, two Half Ironman Triathlons, and the ISF 10k. WOW!
With that said, we are truly honored to have Brian Levy leading the ISF Dream Team this year. As he is striving to accomplish his goals (qualify for the Boston Marathon), he knows he is accomplishing even a bigger role (making a bigger contribution in the fight against cancer).
“I know that my strengths are with training and coaching other athletes. I’m looking forward to helping other runners achieve their goals of training for their big race and in the process, introducing more people to ISF.”
Brian is making a difference, in so many ways. Running. Leading the ISF Dream Team runs. Fundraising for ISF. “I know my contribution in the fight against cancer is small in the grand scheme of things but I think that’s what it’s all about. A lot of people making small contributions can make a big difference. Every time I am out there running in my Dream Team shirt or talking to people about races about ISF, that’s my little contribution to the big fight.”
Thank you Brian for leading the ISF Dream Team. Let’s help Brian meet his goals this year by supporting him through his First Giving page: https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/teamba/2018-Isabella-s-Dream-Team
ISF Dream Team
The ISF Dream Team, created in 2014, is a running group that assists you in training to run the race of your dreams. You can train for a 5k, 10k, half marathon, half marathon relay, full marathon relay, or a full marathon. You are provided a training schedule, invited to group runs, and inspired by a phenomenal team of people. Not only will you meet a dynamic group of people, but you will also be inspired through your friends and family as they support you through the training. The ISF Dream Team has raised over $400,000 to date, with the funds contributing to our local Charlotte community. If you want to join the ISF Dream Team, we would love to hear from you. Please email us at info@isabellasantosfoundation.org.