Little Heroes Blood Drive Helps Impact Lives Once Again

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Little Heroes Blood Drive Helps Impact Lives Once Again

Written by Amanda Difabio, Marketing Coordinator 

After the success of last year’s Little Heroes Campaign in September of 2020, Shawn Flynn, OneBlood, and the Isabella Santos Foundation teamed up once again to help impact lives. Local cancer dad Shawn Flynn creatively came up with this idea to help pediatric cancer warriors and their families in our community in honor of pediatric cancer awareness month. This year, this campaign had great success again with 34 total drives hosted. It has been incredible to see such a smart idea flourish for the second time around!

Aaron & Merritt Plummer

The Little Heroes Blood Drive resulted in:

  • 34 blood drives
  • 792 units of blood collected 
  • $7,920 donated to pediatric cancer!

One unit of blood donated could save up to as many as 3 lives. With the 34 drives that were hosted this year, this could impact potentially 2,376 people! What an incredible accomplishment that is!

In their continued support for ISF, OneBlood donated $10 back to us for every donor that participated. We were thrilled to receive a check from them for $7,920 for pediatric cancer research. 

This past Friday these teams of passionate people met up again to celebrate the accomplishments at the Isabella Santos OneBlood donation center in Ballantyne. We were also joined by the Plummer Family, one of the participating cancer families who hosted their own Little Heroes Blood Drive in September. Merritt Plummer is currently in remission from Rhabdomyosarcoma and her family knows just how important blood products are to those fighting cancer. Thank you to OneBlood for continuing to serve our community, thank you to Shawn and all the cancer families for coming together for another consecutive year bringing in over 30 drives, and thank you to all of you who donated blood to make this impact happen.  

What a great feeling going into the holiday season!


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