ISF Volunteer Opportunity: Auction Committee

We can’t believe that it is almost May.  We have had such a wonderful start to 2017 and excited to dive into bringing you the BEST 5K and10K for Kids Cancer Race in September that you have seen yet.  This is our 10th annual Charlotte 5K and 10K race event and we look forward to celebrating Isabella’s life in the best possible way while bringing our community together.

At the 5K and 10K for Kids Cancer Race we have become known for our SILENT AUCTION.  What started out as a fun idea of having 20 raffles baskets available years ago has blossomed into fantastic way to raise funds for neuroblastoma research and pediatric cancer.  In 2016, our ISF Silent Auction and Raffle raised $80,000!  That is incredible!  Our raffle and silent auction includes beauty/spa packages, sporting events, date night outs, vacations, jewelry and more.  There is something for everyone.  We are looking for new volunteers to join our Auction Committee to help us.  Not only is volunteering for ISF rewarding, we can guarantee you will have fun while meeting many great faces.

“When I originally became involved with ISF, I was a volunteer on the Auction Committee.  Every year we host a huge auction at our annual 5k/10k for Kids Cancer in September.  The auction has become a staple at the race and is responsible for a large percentage of the monies raised at this event.  I felt such pride in being a part of something bigger than myself with a purpose of helping children fight cancer!  I didn’t necessarily have as much time to devote as I would have liked, but I did what I could.  I can truly say being a part of ISF has changed my life in so many wonderful and fulfilling ways! Today, I am the Auction Co-Chair and I couldn’t be more proud to lead such a giving and fun team!   We have several needs for this important committee.  Anyone with a passion to help others who can dedicate some time to helping us create an incredible 10 year anniversary auction this year is welcome!  We have needs for individuals who are not shy to ask for donation from businesses, or who have connections in the community.  We also need those who have time to fill out applications for donations, help organize the auction items, and help us wrap the packages!  We have room for anyone who can help!”  – Andrea Isaac, Auction Co-Chair
We have our first Auction Committee interest meeting on Wednesday May 3rd at 7:30pm.  If you can’t make the first meeting, we can send you details!  Please contact Andrea Isaac for the meeting location, if you are interested in learning more or have questions!  If you are business who would like to donate an item, all items are welcome!  Its great advertising as our auction is in front of thousands at the event itself as well as online!

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