I Run for a Cure

Christine Brent, Isabella’s Dream Team

It’s amazing how someone can impact your life forever.  For Christine Brent, it started almost a decade ago.  Christine met The Santos’ when they were expecting Isabella.  She helped Erin decorate her nursery, she knew when Isabella was diagnosed with cancer, and she committed to help the Isabella Santos Foundation any way that she could.  Family donations.  Fundraising support through her career.  Volunteering on the marketing committee.  Joining the ISF Dream Team.  It has been life changing for Christine, and nothing gets in her way.

About two years ago, Christine started to notice that her hip was giving her fits.  After several visits with doctors, they concluded she had hip dysplasia.  It got to a point where she could not sleep, barely walk, and the pain was no longer tolerable.  She only had one option left – a hip replacement.  

On March 19th, Christine received a hip replacement.  She walked on day one.  She was off of a walker by week two.  She followed every exercise and stretch they recommended.  She was released and back to work 4 weeks after her hip replacement.

So how is she today?  She is training with the ISF Dream Team for a race this Fall.  She has accomplished the Savannah Half Marathon, the Savannah Half Marathon Relay, and the Charlotte Marathon Relay with the Dream Team.  And, she will do it again!  Christine Brent will not stop giving back for Isabella.

“I run for all those who fight now, have fought in the past, or will fight in the future.  I run for a cure.”

Christine’s goal is to raise $7,000 this year for Isabella.  Help her reach her goal by donating to her First Giving page:  https://www.firstgiving.com/fundraiser/keithandchristine-brent-1/2018-Isabella-s-Dream-Team.

ISF Dream Team

The ISF Dream Team, created in 2014, is a running group that assists you in training to run the race of your dreams.  You can train for a 5k, 10k, half marathon, half marathon relay, full marathon relay, or a full marathon.  You are provided a training schedule, invited to group runs, and inspired by a phenomenal team of people.  Not only will you meet a dynamic group of people, but you will also be inspired through your friends and family as they support you through the training.  The ISF Dream Team has raised over $400,000 to date, with the funds contributing to our local Charlotte community.  If you want to join the ISF Dream Team, we would love to hear from you.  Please email us at info@isabellasantosfoundation.org.


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