Defining Support, The Cancer Mom Series: Kellie

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Defining Support, The Cancer Mom Series: Kellie

Defining Support, The Cancer Warrior Mom Series is a collection of thoughts from many incredible Cancer Moms and how they define support. 

Written By Kellie Andrew. Interviewed & Compiled by Rachel Wood

Kellie is Mom to Brinn, who was diagnosed with stage 3 high-risk neuroblastoma in December 2018.  Brinn is currently 2 years old and in treatment at Levine Children’s Hospital. 

There’s a lot going on in our family.  Happy and sad. Hard and then even harder. Our heads are just above water most days.  But we are finding a way to be okay.  I recently said that we live just one day at a time.  But that’s not true.  It’s really one moment at a time.  Sometimes the days are just too long and hard to think about.

The word ‘support’ for me personally is very broad. It means a card, a comment on social media, sharing a story online, a text, or a phone call. Support means a meal, a gas card, a basket of items on my front porch, and the offer to mow the yard or clean my home. It means a coffee mug, a soft blanket, an eye mask, and new nail polish. It means a self-help book, being added to a prayer list, or coming to visit and just listening. Support means offering to watch the kids so we can go have dinner and have a moment to ourselves.

I also feel extremely supported through the hospital and clinic. I feel heard and respected as her mother at all times. I feel that my thoughts are valued, which encourages me to be a part of each step in her treatment.

Support means just knowing that someone else is thinking of us and making a point to let us know.

I can only speak from my experience but without the things I mentioned above, I feel that I’d really be struggling much more. I do feel I have a ‘job’ to keep everything together—physically and emotionally—for my family. That is the pressure I put on myself. What’s the saying, ‘If momma ain’t happy, nobody’s happy?’ There is so much truth to that! I don’t want anyone to worry about me not being good. Getting a quick text or opening a card in the mail or having lunch arrive at the hospital from someone lifts my spirits. It makes me see just how good people can be, just because they want to be; restores my faith in others. In turn, I want to put that gratitude and happiness back into my family.

Make a difference today and honor the incredible strength and courage of these inspiring women by making a donation to the Isabella Santos Foundation. Your contribution will go a long way in supporting vital research for rare pediatric cancers, providing hope and healing to those who need it the most. Together, we can make a meaningful impact in the fight against cancer and help ensure that no child has to suffer alone. So why wait? Donate now and join us in this important mission.



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