Bring Your Friends & Breakfast Run

There are friends.  And there are running buddies.  Sometimes the two intertwine.  Sometimes they don’t.  But both are equally important when you are determined to train and run the race of your dreams.  So what’s the difference?

Running buddies.  They run with you.  They hold you accountable.  They celebrate your accomplishments.  They sympathize with your aches and pains.  They know just what you need for a race.  They plan trips around races, and relax with you afterwards.  They push you to succeed.  It’s an unexplainable bond that everyone should experience.

Friends are just as important to help you finish a race.  When you run, it’s incredible to see your friends on the race course, cheering you on.  Nothing keeps you more motivated to keep going.  They provide you with support, and they are your cheerleaders. They are your friends, through thick and thin.

Every runner needs a running buddy and a friend during any run.  It will help you get from the start line to the finish line.    

The ISF Dream Team is celebrating our running buddies and friends.  This Saturday – BRING A FRIEND to our Saturday run and enjoy some ISF Swag, on us.  Afterwards we plan on having a team breakfast/social at Crispy Crepe on South Blvd.

  • Who: ISF Dream Team
  • Where: Charlotte Rail Trail
  • Meet at Bland Street Station — 1511 Camden Road, Charlotte, NC
  • When: Saturday, August 4 at 7am
  • Why: To be a friend and a running buddy!

See you Saturday!

ISF Dream Team

The ISF Dream Team, created in 2014, is a running group that assists you in training to run the race of your dreams.  You can train for a 5k, 10k, half marathon, half marathon relay, full marathon relay, or a full marathon.  You are provided a training schedule, invited to group runs, and inspired by a phenomenal team of people.  Not only will you meet a dynamic group of people, but you will also be inspired through your friends and family as they support you through the training.  The ISF Dream Team has raised over $400,000 to date, with the funds contributing to our local Charlotte community.  If you want to join the ISF Dream Team, we would love to hear from you.  Please email us at

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