We Will Train Together. Run Together.

Keith & Jackson, Dream Team Week #2

The Isabella Santos Foundation Dream Team, a Charlotte running group, has officially started training for 2018.  Members of our team run with purpose and heart… we always enjoy hearing about why they run, what inspires them and their goals to get them to the finish line.  When it kicked off a few weeks ago, we learned that two of our Dream Team members set a goal together for this year.  Jackson Lowry, at age 13, accomplished his second half marathon last year with a personal record time.  Keith Brent accomplished his third half marathon since training with the ISF Dream Team.  As they both were looking back on their accomplishments, they were trying to decide what was their next dream.  Jackson admires Keith, and he said “one day I want to be able to run a full marathon.”  Keith without hesitation said “I will do it with you.  You pick the race, we will train together.  Run it together.” 

And the bond was created. They have set their 2018 goal – the Rock ‘N Roll Savannah Full Marathon in November.  Training is officially underway.  This past Saturday, they ran 8 miles in step together as they planned out their training schedule for the upcoming week.  Daily texts, running together, and high fives – – they keep each other motivated.  They are already talking about how excited they are going to be when they cross that finish line together on November 3rd.  They have 108 days to finish their training, and they do it all for Isabella and other kids fighting cancer.

These goals and uncommon bonds are what inspires us at the foundation!

A little about Jackson…

Jackson Lowry, at age 12, started running with the ISF Dream Team in Summer of 2016.  When he became diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in November 2015, he understood how it felt to be diagnosed with a disease that had no cure. He was determined to not let his diabetes stop him from following his dreams.  He has trained with the ISF Dream Team, accomplishing several races including 2 half marathons.  This year, he is training for his very first full marathon while raising money for the Isabella Santos Foundation.  Jackson’s mission in life is to inspire more kids to give back.  You can support Jackson and cheer him on by making a donation to his fundraising efforts.

And Keith who has been supporting ISF since the beginning…

Keith Brent, and his wife Christine, both personally knew Isabella Santos.  When ISF was formed in 2007, they immediately became involved with the foundation.  Three years ago, Keith joined the ISF Dream Team.  Keith loves the challenge and fitness benefits of running, all while raising money in memory of Isabella.  Keith and Christine Brent have raised over $14,000 through the ISF Dream Team, directly crushing cancer in the Charlotte community.  Keith has accomplished three half marathons while being a part of the ISF Dream Team, and his goal for 2018 is to complete a full marathon.  You can support Keith and high five him on by making a donation on his fundraising efforts.  

ISF Dream Team

The ISF Dream Team, created in 2014, is a running group that assists you in training to run the race of your dreams.  You can train for a 5k, 10k, half marathon, half marathon relay, full marathon relay, or a full marathon.  You are provided a training schedule, invited to group runs, and inspired by a phenomenal team of people.  Not only will you meet a dynamic group of people, but you will also be inspired through your friends and family as they support you through the training.  The ISF Dream Team has raised over $400,000 to date, with the funds contributing to our local Charlotte community.  If you want to join the ISF Dream Team, we would love to hear from you.  Please email us at info@isabellasantosfoundation.org.

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