Through My Eyes: Week 2 Recap

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Through My Eyes: Week 2 Recap

Written by Rachel Wood, Director of Marketing

We hope you are tuning in to our Childhood Cancer Awareness Series, “Though My Eyes” presented by Atrium Health Levine Children’s. Our goal is to give you a front row seat to pediatric cancer in hopes you will understand just a little bit of what kids fighting and their families face. Thank you to those who have donated and continue to share.  We have currently raised $14,528.25.

We have featured Eleanor, Luca and Waylon through their mother’s eyes.  We also learned  they are a future princess, a police officer and an astronaut. Help us continue to help kids like these beat cancer, grow their hair and live their dreams.  

Through My Eyes:  Cancer Family Finds Light During Daughter’s Neuroblastoma Journey:  A mass was found in Eleanor’s abdomen at 3 months old and on 3.10.2017 she was diagnosed with stage IV high risk neuroblastoma.  The disease was found in her liver, adrenal gland & bone marrow.  The tumor on her liver doubled in size every 4 days and caused respiratory distress due to the size pushing on her little lungs. Initially the doctors couldn’t fit a port in her chest because she was just so little. Continue reading through Eleanor’s Moms’ eyes.

Through My Eyes:  Cancer Parents Facing the Unimaginable… Twice:  Julie and George Soung experienced an unimaginable heartbreak in their life, losing their daughter Stella at just 32 hours old with no known cause.  Stella would have been 4 this year.  Then another unimaginable occurred, Luca was diagnosed with stage IV Wilms Tumor just 8 months ago on New Year’s Eve at 2.5 years old.  The disease originated from his left kidney with metastatic lesions on his lungs and liver.   Continue reading through Luca’s Moms’ eyes.

Through My Eyes:  Pediatric Brain Cancer Warrior Mom Manages Unusual Balancing Act Among Siblings:  9.5.19 at 5 years old Waylon was diagnosed with Highgrade Midline Glioma after months of headaches, vomiting and double vision.  After a CT scan and a MRI, significant hydrocephalus by an unknown factor was found blocking the flow of cerebrospinal fluid.  He was admitted to the ICU and had an external drain placed in his head.  Once Waylon healed from the surgeries, he completed 6 weeks of daily radiation treatments to his brain. Continue reading through Waylon’s Moms’ eyes.

Stay tuned this week as we introduce you to a young adult cancer survivor and a cancer teen just diagnosed.

Our goal is to raise $50,000 for pediatric cancer.  We know it’s a lofty goal especially during so much uncertainty and change in the world!  If you’re looking for a way to make a difference year around for kids fighting rare cancers, we would love for you to consider giving monthly.  You would be investing in the long-term growth and ongoing success of our mission.

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