Childhood Cancer Survivor Dreams to be a Music Therapist

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Childhood Cancer Survivor Dreams to be a Music Therapist

Written by Rachel Wood, Director of Marketing

In 2019 Lily was diagnosed with osteosarcoma after discovering a 14cm high-grade tumor in the tibia of her right leg. Through her cancer treatments, side effects, surgery, and learning to walk again… Levine Children’s Music Therapy brought her a calming peace and inspired her tremendously during her fight.
It inspired her so much that Lily’s goal is to become a Music Therapist for oncology patients and she is working to be accepted into the Queen’s University of Charlotte Music program. She has an interview with their music program this upcoming semester! We wanted to give Lily a little love to help support this new journey so we surprised her with a $2,500 scholarship grant during lunch with her and her mom!
And yes, this beautiful voice is Lily, singing with her Levine Childre’s Music Therapist while in treatment! Thank you for helping us grant this gift to her, this is exactly why we exist and how important your support is!
Read more about Lily’s diagnosis story.
[This video was recorded prior to the ban of singing in therapy sessions.]

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