Isabella Santos Foundation 2019 Pumpkin Charity Ball Raises $220,000 for Pediatric Cancer

Our 2nd Annual Pumpkin Charity Ball was a huge success! A special thank you to everyone who attended, sponsored, donated, and supported! It was an AMAZING night filled with great love, abundant generosity and true inspiration from so many in attendance. Through the support of all of our guests, auction bidders (near and far) and sponsors, we are thrilled to announce that the night raised close to $220,000!! We cannot thank each and every person who helped make this night the success that it was. We were especially honored to have some of our smallest warriors there to help us make an impact. We appreciate you sharing your personal stories, difficult struggles and your precious families with us, while we continue to fight the fight, together.

If you missed out on this year, don’t worry! Save the date for next year: October 24th, 2020. See you there

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