Honor a Cancer Fighter’s Life Taken Too Soon
Isabella passed away at 7 years old from neuroblastoma, if she was here today she would be turning 14 on Saturday. She would be in middle school. She would most likely be into boys. She would be fighting with her siblings at home and meeting friends at the movies. There is no question Isabella’s life was cut too short, but there is also no question that her legacy is creating hope for so many.
Please join us in honoring Isabella’s life this month:
DONATE BLOOD: Make your appointment for March 9th, our largest blood drive ever with Community Blood Center of the Carolinas. Locations throughout the greater Charlotte region available.
DONATE TO ISABELLA’S WISH FUNDRAISER: Help us fund a wish for another child fighting cancer. Did you read Erin’s blog post about meeting with the Make-A-Wish child we helped fund last year?
EAT SUBS: Eat at Jersey Mikes all month long. Plan on joining us March 27th for Day of Giving when 100% of proceeds come back to ISF. 39 locations to choose from across the greater Charlotte area.