The Faces of ISF…Meet Colleen Hinsberg

Getting to know youNames/ages of children: Julia (13) Meghan (10) Brittany (26)

Years married and to whom:  Tom Hinsberg (20 years)

Years in Charlotte:  16

Neighborhood: Tega Cay, SC

Hometown: Sarasota, FL

College Alumni: Florida State University

Occupation: Director of Sales- Contour Products

Years Involved with the Foundation: 9

What is your role with the Foundation: Race Director

How did your involvement with ISF begin? I worked with Stuart and Erin at Lendingtree and was with a close friend of theirs when they got the news that Isabella was sick. From that first day I felt inspired to help in any way that I could. Over the years I have taken on more responsibilities within the foundation and became Race Director 3 years ago.

What is your favorite story about Isabella? My favorite memory is from the 2011 race when we had some rain towards the end of the race. We were scrambling to get raffle items and food moved under the tent and the DJ was still playing music. Isabella stopped and started dancing and I looked around and a whole group of people there, stopped and danced with her. All of us- children and adults stopped our hustle bustle and danced in the rain. It was awesome.

What is one of your top ISF moments? On race day the year that Isabella passed away I was running around like a crazy woman. Someone grabbed me and said stop you HAVE to come see this. I walked over to the starting line to see 2000 people decked out in purple all the way down the street. It was overwhelming to see how we had grown. The emotion was so raw that year and that crowd was incredible to see. Each year now I MAKE myself take a moment to take all it in. From 175 people the first year to over 2500 participants last year. The community support is amazing.

Where do you see ISF in 5 years? I see ISF being very involved in a minimum of the 25 NMTRC cities raising funds and raising awareness as kids are continuing to win the battle against relapsing with Neuroblastoma

What is something you think ISF could improve on this year? I love that we are now sharing the immediate impact of how we are using the money that we raise. Knowing the number of children that we are impacting is such a great story! I look forward to many more of those kinds of stories this year.

How has ISF impacted your kids? This is where ISF has impacted my life the most. My kids have learned the generosity of people who are willing to donate to their races, bake sales and lemonade stands. They proudly support ISF and tell Isabella’s story as often as they can. They have a true sense of community and are willing to give their time and energy for a cause bigger than them.  The are more generous and more active because of their involvement with the Foundation. They are also my biggest cheerleaders when I am fully wrapped up during race time. Seeing Julia finish her first 5K at one of our races was a very proud moment. The fact that she is joining me this year as a part of the Dream Team is even better!

Who are your role models? I feel like we have all said this but I have to say my parents. They were happily married for 62 years, raised 5 girls and taught us all the value of family and friends. Through them, I learned to work hard, respect others and take time to play hard too.

What is something about you that would surprise people? I am the youngest of 5 girls and my sisters and I have 8 daughters between us. Not a boy in our family!

What is your biggest pet peeve? I have a really hard time interacting with passive aggressive people. If you have a problem, tell me what it is and let’s figure out how to solve it. I’m not good at trying to figure out what is upsetting you.

What is the hardest thing you have ever done? My parents passed away within 6 months of each other 2 years ago. It was huge and sad and putting one foot in front of each other was hard for a while. I knew I had get my act together and came out at the end, a stronger and happier person.

What do you love to do in Charlotte? We love to spend time on Lake Wylie.

What are a couple of your guilty pleasures? I love brownies. Even when I am training and “trying” to eat well I will say yes to a brownie almost every time.

Who is your celebrity crush? Matt Bomer. I “know” but he’s still adorable.
What is your favorite drink? I’m a beer girl

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