Meet Intern Team Happy Feet
Intern Team Happy Feet
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Hi! We’re Team Happy Feet. We are so excited to work with the Isabella Santos Foundation this summer to help raise awareness and funds for pediatric cancer. We each have our reasons why:
Some of us have worked with ISF in the past. Parker worked with ISF while on the Myers Park Dream Team and saw great needs in our community that he wants to be a part of. Grace worked with ISF in high school and is passionate about supporting this cause and the children who desperately need a cure.
For others of us, working with ISF aligns with our interests and future goals. Jillian is studying to become a dietician and wants to work with kids with cancer. Jeanne is involved in a program where she shadows doctors at a local healthcare system. She is gaining experience in the OR and clinic to one day become a doctor and help others. Emily is interested in nonprofit work and is extremely passionate about giving back to her community and helping others. She wants to help raise awareness and funds so these kids can beat cancer. Claire is studying to become a nurse and wants to make a meaningful impact in her community.
Others of us have personal experience with cancer. Shannon’s mom was recently diagnosed with breast cancer, so this is something very close to her heart.
Others of us see this as a cause worthy of our time and are dedicated to the fight. Janey is very interested in this cause and wants to help those who are affected by cancer. Annelise wants to join the fight and help make a difference in these families’ lives. Kate wants to raise awareness and funds to contribute to a cure.
Though we all may have slightly different reasons why, we are ALL passionate about helping kids beat cancer. Isabella’s story and the stories of other kids who have lost their lives or are currently battling cancer resonate with us greatly and we want to join the fight. We are going to give it our all to raise awareness, funds, and increase race registrations so more kids can beat cancer, grow hair, and live their dreams.
Team Happy Feet:
- Emily Mecia, UNC Chapel Hill (Lead Intern)
- Shannon Margies, UNC Wilmington
- Gabi Liebsten, Marvin Ridge High School
- Grace Deng, University of South Carolina
- Jillian Willard, University of Alabama Undergrad, Winthrop Graduate
- Kate Davenport, Providence High School
- Janey Thompson, Myers Park High School
- Clair Ellis, Clemson
- Park Mendenhall, UNC Chapel Hill
- Jeanne Coffelt, Myers Park High School
- Annelise Bowers, Myers Park High School