We are grateful…

We are grateful…

We always get sentimental come the holidays… for so many reasons. We have had a big year here at the foundation and not one single day passes by that we don’t miss Isabella.  It’s hard to not think about how her family is ‘one less’ during the holidays.  But good gracious what an impact Isabella’s short 7 years of life on this earth has brought. We are so grateful that her spirit lives on and her legacy will bring change and treatment options for families and kids fighting cancer. 

We are grateful for our supporters near and far.  With every year out from Isabella’s life, less of you knew her.  But you still believe in us and support kids fighting cancer in her honor. From financial donations of any amount to attending an ISF event.  From fundraising with the Dream Team to becoming an MIBG ambassador.  From simply sharing our social media content to telling your neighbor about Isabella or ISF.  It all matters… every single bit of it brings awareness and inspires change.  

We are grateful for our staff and volunteers.  The hours they work is ridiculous. Their passion is inspiring.  And not to mention grateful for the families who support them.  Without the husbands that pick up the soccer carpool duty or the grandmothers who babysit our kids so that volunteers and staff can work events… our team would not be able to do what they do. 

We are grateful for our community.  The businesses that invest in our goals, the owners and leaders who reach past their business pockets to reach into their own, and the partners who make our mission their mission. The relationships we have built with other nonprofits. It’s actually overwhelming.

We are grateful for the kids with cancer and their families that allow us to share their personal stories during a time they rather crawl in a ginormous hole and cry.  Stories of the good, bad and ugly that cancer brings to a child fighting and the family that supports them.  Without these families allowing us into their personal lives, we would not be able to help others see that a change is needed for pediatric cancer care.

We are grateful for the medical professionals who spend day in and night out taking care of kids fighting cancer and their families.  Loving them as their own.  Living as true heroes in their real life stories.  Child Life Specialists, Nurses, Doctors, Staff, Admin and more… every single one of these individuals chose to make it their life work to make a difference towards the pediatric cancer community.  

We are grateful for all the friends past and present who gave so much to Isabella and helped shape our foundation. 

We hope that today brings you a day full of love and much needed time with family.  For those who have that ‘one less’ at the table, you are in our hearts as you move through the holiday season.  We know it doesn’t get easier, but manageable takes on a whole new meaning.  We are so very grateful for every one of you that shares in Isabella’s legacy and can see that together we can do big things.

We are grateful. ????

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