Mental Training
I’ve sat here all evening trying to think what to write about. Normally, I don’t struggle with writing, but after the crazy week it has been in the Queen City, I am still reeling with it all. As I woke up on Thursday morning to go for a run, I left my iPhone by the bed, so that I could think. Thinking how I run for love. For the love of people that I don’t even know, like the children fighting cancer right now. This love, this purpose, is vital as our mileage increases on Saturdays, closer and closer to our goal of 13.1 miles. While our physical training is important, so is the mental training. A few things I’ve learned along the way:
It takes a combination of passion and perseverance to carry you through the hard times. As my fellow bloggers have written, having the purpose in your heart and running to crush cancer helps spur you on when you want to give up. When you see a big hill and feel defeated, reminding myself of my purpose helps me overcome the physical obstacle.
Speak and think positive. You have to speak positive, and believe in yourself. This team cheers on everyone and encourages me during every run. I’m thankful for the smiles and high-fives on Saturday mornings from this team
As we finish #pediatriccancerACTIONmonth, don’t stop now. Let’s keep going