Live My Dreams Giving Program Updates
ISF Live My Dreams Program Has Supported 22 Patients So Far in 2022
The cost of childhood cancer goes beyond hospital stays and chemotherapy. The Live My Dreams giving program is 10% of our mission focus. This program will help support the various struggles that come with a cancer diagnosis. We have partnered with several organizations to contribute to the success of families.
Donations to the Live My Dreams giving program will help fund many aspects of family needs outside of cancer. Family needs may include counseling services, dental needs, hearing aids, scholarships, and activities. We will continue to support the organizations that meant so much to Isabella and made an impact on her life, including OneBlood, The Ronald McDonald House of Charlotte, and Make-A-Wish Foundation. Six-year-old Zuria (Wilm’s Tumor) pictured above is an example of a child battling rare cancer who is being supported by this program. She is participating in something super fun this fall. We can’t wait to share more so stay tuned!
So far in 2022, the ISF Live My Dreams program has supported 22 patients. This makes a total of 61 patients since the start of the giving program in 2021. We are so happy to help out families that need it most!
Read a little more about the patients most recently impacted by this giving program from Atrium Health Levine Children’s social worker Emily Riordan:
A lovely 7-year-old girl from Michigan with relapsed Neuroblastoma who came here to enroll on the PEACH trial. Levine worked with Medicaid on a single case agreement. However, Pediatric Surgery did not come to an agreement with Michigan Medicaid and was going to charge the patient’s family for a procedure. With the support of ISF, we were able to get the procedure covered for the family who would not have otherwise been able to afford it and go on study.
An engaging 21-year-old male with Synovial Sarcoma who lives nearly 4 hours away. Due to where they live, we are the closest hospital that provides cancer treatment. Every time he needs to come in for a scan with a follow-up appointment the following day, they need a hotel for the evening. Thanks to ISF, I am able to tell him that this is something we can not only book, but fund every time. He is incredibly appreciative.
A sweet 14-year-old male with relapsed neuroblastoma traveling from Virginia for Danyelza. Staying in the extended stay hotel allowed for he and his Dad to drive 10 minutes to their daily appointments rather than driving 6 hours a day. The family expressed their appreciation for ISF’s support.
A charismatic 10-year-old girl who was recently declared NED from relapsed Neuroblastoma. The patient came here for her 3-month follow-up scans and due to living 2 hours away, ISF funding allowed them to stay in a hotel the night before.
A sweet 5-year-old girl with Wilm’s Tumor who lives 90 minutes from the hospital. The patient had back-to-back appointments on a Wednesday and Thursday and the family was worried about the cost of gas when driving a total of 6 hours in two days. ISF’s support with a hotel stay cut their driving in half saving them a fair amount of gas money. The family was extremely grateful.
A hilarious 17-year-old male from Puerto Rico who moved here about 2 months ago to live with his cousins and work for his cousin’s company. A month into living here, he ended up hospitalized and was diagnosed with a rare carcinoma. His Mom flew in after he was diagnosed and now that they are ready to be discharged, they need a place to stay. My plan is to discharge them to an extended stay hotel for two weeks to give them time to find a permanent home. ISF funding will give them some breathing room in order to identify a place to live long term.
An adorable 6-year-old with anaplastic Wilms who lives approximately 90 minutes from the hospital. He was scheduled for early morning surgery to remove his port because he has finished treatment! ISF funding assisted in getting them a hotel room the night before so they did not have to leave their house at 5am the morning of surgery. The patient was very excited to stay in a hotel the night before such a happy day for him and his family.
A lovely 13-year-old girl with Osteosarcoma. She was receiving outpatient chemotherapy and the family was unable to stay at RMH as they were at capacity. Thanks to ISF’s support, they did not have to drive an hour home each day.