ISF Intern Class of 2020: Week 1 Update

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ISF Intern Class of 2020: Week 1 Update

Excuse us while we gush over our ISF Intern Class!  We are having so much fun with them and love the new energy they have brought to our team.  After their first official week with ISF, they are off to an impressive start!  Smart, creative and passionate… we are blown away with what these high school and college students are accomplishing.  

Our 5 Intern Teams are competing against each other throughout the summer to create creative content, build the largest (& widespread) race team, and raise the most funds… all to bring awareness and action for rare pediatric cancer.  Each week they are given a weekly challenge.  As their first team assignment each team has created a creative way to introduce themselves to our supporters! Starting tomorrow morning, we will feature one intern team a day… please help us welcome and cheer them on!

Thank you to Hunter Davis, Program Coordinator of Levine Children’s Seacrest Studios for being the guest speaker on the Lead Intern Video Call today! Hunter started out as a college intern herself at Seacrest Studios before being offered a permanent position at the studio.  She even worked with ISF Marketing last summer.  Her heart for kids is huge and she knows the impact private organizations bring.  Thanks Hunter for talking to our Leads about your journey of intern to job landed and a few tips you learned along the way!

ISF Lead Interns:

ISF Intern Leads:
-Brendi, UNCC Grad Student
-Jack, UNCC Junior
-Zoe, UNC Sophomore
-Ashton, College of Charleston Sophomore
-Emily, UNC Sophomore[/av_textblock]

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