Isabella Santos Foundation: Star Light. Star Bright. (WCCB, March 5)

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Isabella Santos Foundation: Star Light. Star Bright.

Luminary Dedication to Honor Cancer Fighters on March 9.

Originally aired on WCCB News Rising 

Isabella Santos Foundation, a childhood cancer charity, was created in honor of Isabella Santos who lost her fight to cancer, at just seven years old.

On Tuesday, March 9th Isabella Santos Foundation will hold a luminary dedication event called “Star Light Star Bright, ” in honor of what would have been Isabella’s 16th birthday.

Organizers will light luminaries to honor her and other cancer fighters on the front lawn of Calvary Church in Charlotte.

Due to current restrictions,  the event is private but you can still purchase a luminary to honor a loved one affected by cancer at Isabella Santos Foundation. Org.

The goal is to raise $100,000 which will go towards childhood cancer research.

Many local businesses are sponsoring the event including Pure Intentions Coffee, which is selling a special blend in honor of Isabella through March 9th.

100% of the proceeds will go directly to ISF.[/av_textblock]

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