Cancer Awareness Podcast with Sheri Lynch: Cancer Messed With The Wrong Team

We joined Sheri Lynch of the nationally-syndicated morning radio show, Bob and Sheri, on her podcast last month.  She talked with Erin Santos about Isabella’s cancer fight, her legacy behind the foundation and how our Cancer Messed With… brand started.  Sheri asked some real and painful questions about grief, mommy guilt, and the wreckage that cancer leaves behind.  Questions others might not ask.  Maybe because it’s not pc, or maybe because some don’t want to hear the raw truth of trying to save a child with cancer.  It’s really honest, we hope you will take 25 mins out of your evening to listen.

“Grief makes you crazy.  And part of crazy is unpredictable. Unpredictable to yourself. Unpredictable to people around you…. there are no rules for the path that you have forged there are zero rules for that.”

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