2022 ISF Summer Intern Program Concludes

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Interns End Summer With a Bang Raising Over $90,000 For Pediatric Cancer

Written by Marketing Coordinator, Amanda DiFabio

Our ISF Summer Intern Program has finally come to an end and we are so proud to announce this year’s group raised over $90,000 for pediatric cancer!! Despite the hurdles of yet another unprecedented year, our intern leads and volunteers put their best foot forward raising money, establishing relationships with local businesses, becoming more educated on our mission, aiding pediatric cancer efforts and much much more. These future leaders are going to shake our community and world by storm!

These teams faced quite the friendly competition this summer, battling for the # 1 spot on our leaderboard. A few teams were neck-and-neck till the end, but only one could come out on top. Congratulations to team Cure Creators led by Halle Mckellar for winning first place in the ISF Summer Intern Program raising $ 29,102.32. This number also includes 5 sponsorships obtained. This is an incredible achievement!!

Team Cure Creators 

Halle McKellar

Amelia Leahy (Co-lead)

Matthew Kupreanik

Camille White

Ellie Hinkle

Kate Foster

Annalyse Powell

Anya Iyer

Natalie Jones

Hayun Lee

Caroline Leahy

In second place is team Cancer Crushers led by Lily Hornberger. This determined group successfully raised $ 21,639.00 this summer. Way to go!! Last, but certainly not least we want to recognize our 3rd place team for a job well done. The Queen City Fighters, led by Shannon Margies was able to raise $ 13,602.00. We want to give a special shoutout to Shannon and her volunteers for organizing another pickleball tournament this year. It was a smashing success and so much fun. 

All of our teams did a phenomenal job and invested their time and summers to help kids just like Isabella. You guys really are Change Makers!

Team Curesaders: $ 10,400.49 

The Unstoppables: $ 8,630.00 

Cancer Cavaliers: $ 5,333.00 

Stronger Together: $ 4,980.00 

During our end of program BBQ, each team lead, accompanied by some volunteers, had the opportunity to present to the ISF team about all they had learned in the short 3 months as Change Makers. Each team grew so much, and are heading back to school with a new valued set of skills. The presentations were followed by a yummy lunch donated by Viva Chicken. Thank you Viva!

“Coming back this summer now as an intern lead has been such an amazing, exhilarating journey. These past 10 weeks with the ISF have made this summer the most memorable one yet. Growing up hearing about Isabella’s story and knowing I was able to be part of sharing that story this summer has been such an honor. I am so glad I was able to work with the wonderful ladies of ISF and learn to implement their passions and strengths. Creating flyers and videos, donating blood, and sharing about the ISF at various events with other intern leads and volunteers were just some of the many things I enjoyed. Building relationships, networking, and even stepping outside my comfort zones at times were skills I never knew could make such an impact. This summer opened my perspective on how much goes into spreading awareness and finding a cure worth fighting for. The various initiatives, small or big, all can work together to bring about the mission of the ISF. Beating Cancer, growing hair, and living her dreams is only the beginning of my journey with the ISF. I hope to continue to share and fight for Isabella’s story and her mission in every way I can and one day find the cure!” – Rain Jacob

We have a few more delayed give back fundraising totals and donations trickling in. We will continue to keep our ISF community updated further on the success of our annual intern program. As we wrap the 2022 program we want to thank everyone again who participated. We are excited for another summer of this program in 2023!

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