Announcing 2021 ISF Summer Intern Program Manager

Announcing 2021 ISF Summer Intern Program Manager

Written by Rachel Wood, Director of Marketing

We never could have predicted the impact that a summer intern program would have on us, as a team and foundation!  We learned so much from our interns last summer and were super proud to watch them develop into the next generation of cancer advocates.  We can’t wait for this year’s program to start, we have so many new and fun ideas brewing!

Excited to announce that 2020 Lead Intern Ashton Barlow (and overall winner of the Intern team challenge) will be joining us as the ISF Intern Program Manager!  Ashton led her team, Purple People Eaters, to collectively raise a total of $32,000 for pediatric cancer.  As well as helped engage several new businesses and 3 Wish Society relationships! Ashton left last year’s internship with a new passion for philanthropy, fighting cancer, and helping others.  

She is a few finals away from finishing up her sophomore year at the College of Charleston and will be back on the ISF team mid-may to help shepherd in new cancer advocates!  There are so many leadership traits Ashton possesses and we can’t wait to see her work with the 2021 class!

“Last summer I had the privilege to be a part of the Isabella Santos Foundation’s Inaugural Summer Intern Program serving as an Intern Lead for my team Purple Cancer Eaters. Throughout the summer, I was able to tap into my creativity while also utilizing my leadership and networking skills to recruit sponsors and participants in the first ISF virtual 5K. While I know we made a dent in the journey of defeating pediatric cancer, this program is still growing and expanding. I am beyond excited to be returning to the program for its second summer, serving as the Program Manager. I cannot wait to assist the Intern Leads and Interns with furthering our development of this program as we continue raising money, expanding our outreach, and helping all the kids + families battling pediatric cancer in an effort to defeat pediatric cancer! #cantstopwontstop 💜”  -Ashton Barlow, College of Charleston

We are having a blast talking with the pool of college applicants for our Lead Intern positions! Super impressed with everyone and hope to have our Lead Team finalized by May 1st.  Stay tuned for the Summer Volunteer Intern application details & process opening shortly.

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