OrthoCarolina & Isabella Santos Foundation: Partners in Cultivating Community

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OrthoCarolina & Isabella Santos Foundation: Partners in Cultivating Community

Written by ISF Sustaining Partner, OrthoCarolina

More than a sponsorship and more than a marketing strategy — supporting the Isabella Santos Foundation in their fight against pediatric cancer is a clear choice. With every day and every dollar raised, they cultivate community by helping provide accessible, quality healthcare to families throughout the Charlotte region.

“OrthoCarolina supports the Isabella Santos Foundation because they make our community a better place today than it was yesterday,” said Blair Primis, OrthoCarolina Senior Vice President, Marketing & Talent Management. “If it makes Charlotte and our region better, I’m all for it.”

At our core, OrthoCarolina is a world-class organization of professionals from the community, serving the community, in order to advance our community.

We pride ourselves on becoming invested in organizations that make the Charlotte region a fulfilling place to live, work and grow. Our partners like the Isabella Santos Foundation eliminate barriers to a higher quality of life to improve the shared community we call home.

While OrthoCarolina has supported the Isabella Santos Foundation (ISF) in many capacities since 2016, in 2021 we are proud to have sponsored their summer fundraising internship program.

Cultivating the next generation of community leaders while powering the fight against pediatric cancer rings true to our mission to create a community where people can not only access the resources they need but can build fellowship in the process.

This year, ISF’s summer intern program brought more than 100 interns into the ISF family to learn leadership, team building, goal setting & reporting skills. Collectively, they raised more than $120,000 for pediatric cancer.

There is no doubt Charlotte has become a rapidly growing community and the footprint of OrthoCarolina is growing, as well. Far beyond these developments, it is the intangible growth of opportunity and inspiration that underpins the purpose of our partnership with ISF.

What both OrthoCarolina and ISF have in common is just that — championing growth, prosperity and access to resources for all community members, but especially for our children. Children like Isabella who dream to beat cancer, grow hair and live their dreams.

Here’s to cultivating a community that enables Charlotte’s families & future leaders to live their dreams.[/av_textblock]

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