Do it Again

By Guest Blogger: Jessica Hall

Screen Shot 2016-08-22 at 11.01.56 AMDo it again. This is a phrase getting me through some of the tougher training moments lately. With our half marathon less than three months away, we are far past what I have ever done before as a runner. Each day I have to choose to fight the excuses and push toward the goal. When I’m tired or discouraged, I tell myself: Do it again. When the speed workout on the track seems impossible: Do it again.

After all, as many Dream Team members say, cancer doesn’t take a day off. Isabella fought again, and again, and again, and again. So I will run again, fighting and pushing and fundraising for a cure.

Early morning alarms aren’t easy. New mileage goals aren’t easy. Unbearable humidity and heat aren’t easy. But neither is the battle these kids fight or the struggle these families face. So when I want to scream and complain in training, when I wake up in the morning with new aches and pains, I tell myself: Do it again. She did.

There is no excuse for the lack of funding provided to fight pediatric cancer. The statistics Erin shares make me nauseous. The most infuriating statistic of all is that all 12 major types of pediatric cancer combined receive less than 3% of the National Cancer Institute’s budget. The American Cancer Society spends less than 70 cents per $100 raised on pediatric cancer. All while a child dies every 16 hours from just one of these 12 types of cancer. If that doesn’t take breath out of your lungs and make you want to do something, I don’t know what will.

It seems like a no-brainer that people would want to help kids who are in desperate need for a cure. It amazes me how many people will “like” a post on social media as we ask for donations but don’t pull out their wallet. When I’ve approached several acquaintances about donating to ISF, I’ve been told some variation of: “Oh, well I donated to [insert foundation here] a few months back.” Any guesses what my response has been? Do it again.

Today I want to encourage you to put away the excuses and pick up your wallet. Is that direct of me? Sure. With stakes this high, why not?

Regardless, I urge you to take action. And then do it again and again. Let’s make Isabella’s dream of a world with no more cancer a reality– one donation, one mile, one action at a time.

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