Charlotte Auto Show’s Charity Event Raises $200,000 for Isabella Santos Foundation

It’s crazy that an idea centered around heels and handbags has turned into such a game changer for us! We are so fortunate that Charlotte Auto Show believed in our mission and team enough to make their creative out of the box fundraising idea, Handbags, Heels and Horsepower, a reality. With a very generous financial donation from the Greater Charlotte Auto Dealers Association and the funds raised during November’s Handbags, Heals and Horsepower… the event brought in 80,000! This donation was crucial to us making our final impact of $650,000 in 2019 to Levine Children’s for the ISF Rare and Solid Tumor Program.
Over the last two years, Charlotte Auto Show has raised nearly $200,000 for ISF through their signature charity preview event. Thank you Charlotte Auto Show for your partnership and commitment to our community! And for the creativity in your events!