4th Annual Isabella Santos Award

Caring. Compassionate. Leader.

These are just some of the many traits that we look for when choosing our annual recipient of The Isabella Santos Award. This award recognizes someone in the community who lives a life with the same dreams and aspirations as Isabella and who is trying to make a difference in the world. We have had some amazing people receive this award through the years and this year is no different. At the 1st Annual Coffee for a Cure, it was our honor and our privilege to award it Susan Sears, who continues to amaze us every year.

Susan is very well known in the Charlotte Community. Not only has she done so much for us at The Isabella Santos Foundation, but she equally dedicates herself to many other great organizations like Go Jen Go, Komen Race for the Cure and Girls on the Run. Susan does everything with heart and with passion and puts in 110% to each cause she feels drawn to. A few years ago, we were lucky enough to gain her interest and a part of her heart. When we reached out to the people Susan works closely with in our community- the feedback we got was incredible. It is no surprise that they all love her as much as we do!Screen Shot 2016-04-26 at 9.49.01 AM

From the words of Britt Yett with Go Jen Go, “She allows her heart to guide her actions, and in today’s world, that makes her extraordinary. She loved Jen and Jen’s fight and vowed to make a difference in our community. She has certainly made a difference in our lives and we are honored to have her in our ranks!”
From the words of Park Williams with Komen for a Cure,” She has been one of my first calls when I needed someone who would come in and make a difference. She is soft spoken but able to move mountains. We need leaders who are willing to go the extra mile, and Susan is always willing to answer the call”

It goes without saying that our entire ISF team can personally attest to her passion as well. She has helped facilitate our 5k for Kids Cancer, runs with our dream team, ran the NYC marathon to help honor Isabella, attends every event we have and is a consistent volunteer and supporter whenever she is called upon. She is truly remarkable.

The same inspirational qualities that we knew in Isabella, also shine in Susan. She has a way about her that is genuine, inviting and kind and we know without a doubt that Isabella would have adored her and they would have been lifelong friends. It is with great pleasure and honor that Susan Sears is now part of a list that humbles us and makes us very proud to call her a friend. Huge purple hugs to this amazing woman!




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